Rhee, Jeong Yoen
1952 Born in Seoul
1993 Studied Art Education in Doctoral Program at Teachers College, Columbia University (ED.D.CT), New York, U.S.A.
1988 Graduated from Pratt Institute (M.F.A), Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A.
1984 Studied Art Education Graduated School of Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
1975 Graduated from College of Fine Arts Seoul National University (B.F.A), Seoul, Korea
Solo Exhibitions
2022 42th- Solo Exhibition, Casina de in Mosaici of Villa Favorita Napoli, Italy (07/06/2022~10/06/2022)
2020 41th- Solo Exhibition, Palazzo delle art napoli, Napoli, Italy (10/14/2020~02/12/2021)
2019 40th- Solo Exhibition, Seoul Arts Center First Floor Hall 1-2, Seoul, Korea
2017 39th- Solo Exhibition, Space Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2015 38th- Steinberg Museum of Art at Hillwood
2014 37th- Palazzo Tagliaferro Museum, Andora, Italy
2014 36th- Ueno Royal Museum , Tokyo, Japan
2012 35th – ART ASIA/1, Kips Gallery, COEX, Seoul
2011 34th – Invitation Exhibition, Kips Gallery, NewYork, Chelsea
2010 33th – Invitation Exhibition, Chelsea West Galley, NewYork, Chelsea
2010 32th – ART KARLSRUHE, Germany
2009 31th – CASO (Contemporary Art Space Osaka), Osaka, Japan
2007 30th – KCAF (Korean Contemporary Art Festival), Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
2007 29th – Invitation Exhibition, Gallery Oms, New Jersey, U.S.A.
2006 28th – Invitation Exhibition, Galerie BHAK
2006 27th – KCAF (Korean Contemporary Art Festival), Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
2005 26th – KCAF (Korean Contemporary Art Festival), Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
2004 25th – Insa Art Carnival, Insa Art Center, Seoul
2004 24th – SFAF, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
2004 23th – KCAF (Korean Contemporary Art Festival), Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
2003 22th – KCAF (Korean Contemporary Art Festival), Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
2002 21th – Osaka Museum, Japan
2002 20th- KCAF (Korean Contemporary Art Festival), Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
2001 19th – Invitation Exhibition, Kovayashi Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
2001 18th – Invitation Exhibition, Dongsanbang Gallery, Seoul
2001 17th – Invitation Exhibition, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul
2001 16th – KCAF (Korean Contemporary Art Festival), Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
2000 15th – Gallery Art Fair (Dongsanbang Gallery Invitation), Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
2000 14th – Invitation Exhibition, Gallery Grimsi, Suwon
2000 13th – MANIF Seoul International Art Fair, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
1999 12th – MAC 2000, Paris, France
1999 11th – Keumho Museum, Seoul
1999 10th – Invitation Exhibition Marking Foundation of CAMOS, Gallery Ami, Seoul
1998 9th – Gallery Art Fair (Gallery Ami Invitation), Seoul Arts Center, Seoul
1998 8th – Wonju Chiak Culture & Art Center, Wonju
1998 7th – Kongpyung Art Center, Seoul
1995 6th – Haworth Public Library, New Jersey, U.S.A.
1995 5th – Center Gallery, New Jersey, U.S.A.
1994 4th – HAENAH-KENT Gallery Invitation, Seoul
1990 3rd – Gallery Hankuk Invitation, Seoul
1989 2nd – Macy Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
1987 1st – Higgings Hall Gallery, New York, U.S.A.
2013 Innovation Leader of Korea Award : category of Culture and Art (Newsmaker)
2012 Respected Person of the Year Award : category of Culture and Art (Sisa Today)
2011 Innovation Leader of Korea Award : category of Culture and Art (Newsmaker)
2006 Received KCAF Invited Artist Award
2000 The 10th Korean Fine Art Artist’s Award
2000 Ehwa Alumni Award
1998 Contemporary Formative Artist’s Award
1991 Award for Excellence in Women’s Vision Juried Art Exhibition, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York
1985 Selected for Student’s Choice Show, Brooklyn, New York
1984 Winner of the Prize from the Paris International Art Committee, Paris, France
1976 Selected for the 25th National Arts Exhibition, Seoul
1975 Selected for the 24th National Arts Exhibition, Seoul
Selected Group Exhibitions
2022 Homophone and heterophone (05/11~05/23), Dongduk Art Gallery, Seoul, Korea
2005 Invited artist of Seoul Fine Art Exhibition, Seoul Museum of Art
2005 Exhibition by Invitation of the Kyunghyang Shinmun in Commemoration of 60th Anniversary of National Liberation, Kyunghyang Gallery, Kyunghyang Shinmun
2005 Exhibition by Invitation of Korean Fine Art, Municipal Culture Center, Merina, Greece.
2004 Seoul Contemporary Art Exhibition in Rome, House of Association of Architects of Rome, Rome, Italy
2003 6 Korean Contemporary Artists from Korea, Koran Embassy to UN Gallery, New York
2003 Best Star & Best Artist, Gana Insa Art Center, Seoul
2002 Exhibition by Invitation Recommended by Fine Art Teporters – Direction and Examination of Korean Fine Art, Gallery Korea
2002 Exhibition by Invitation of Judging Committee, The 23rd Worker Culture and Art Festival, Sejong Culture Hall
2002 Fine Art Festival for Peace Between South and North, Sejong Culture Hall
2002 Exhibition by Invitation of 10 Korean Modern Fine Artists, Galleria Artomat, Italy
2001 Opening Exhibition of Lim Lip Museum, Lim Lip Museum
2000 21 Remarkable Artists, Gallery Bogo, Seoul, Korea
2000 10th Anniversary of Establishing Diplomatic Relations, Sofia Municipal Gallery, Bulgaria
1999 Indigenity of Korean Art, Posco Art Museum, Korea
1994 The 8 Women Artists From Korea, Haenah-Kent Gallery, New York
1992 Seoul/New York ’92, Korean Art Cultural Center, New York, U.S.A.
1991 24 Korean Artists in New York, Haenah-Kent Gallery, Soho, New York, U.S.A.
1983 The Invitational Exhibition of Korean Artist, Germany
And more than 100 Other Group Exhibitions
International Art Fair
2013 The 13th KIAF (Korea International Art Fair), COEX, Seoul
2013 HFAF : Housston Fine Art Fair 2013, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, Texas, U.S.A
2013 Art Hamptons 2013, The Sulpture Fields of Novas, NY, U.S.A
2013 Palm Springs Fine Art Fair 2013, Palm Springs Convention Center, U.S.A
2013 Shin Han Gallery Annual Exhibition, Shin Han Bank, NY, U.S.A
2012 SF Fine Art Fair, San Francisco, U.S.A.
2012 Houston Art Fair, Houston Texas, U.S.A.
2012 Art Miami, Miami Florida, U.S.A.
2012 Korean Art Show, New York, U.S.A.
2012 ART ASIA/ 1 Asia-representing Artists, COEX, KOREA
2011 Art Chicago, Chicago, U.S.A.
2011 SF Fine Art Fair Modern & Contemporary art, San Francisco, U.S.A.
2011 The 11th KIAF (Korea International Art Fair), Kips Gallery(NewYork Chelsea), COEX, Seoul
2010 ART KARLSRUHE, Germany
2010 Art Hampton, New York, U.S.A.
2010 International Asian Contemporary Art MIAMI
2010 The 10th KIAF (Korea International Art Fair), Kips Gallery(NewYork Chelsea), COEX, Seoul
2009 The 8th KIAF (Korea International Art Fair), COEX, Seoul
2009 Gallery Kaze (Osaka, Japan) COEX, Seoul
2009 KACF (Korea), MANIF (Korea), SFAF (Korea), KIAF (Korea) etc.
2007 palma de Mallorca, Spain
2007 The 6th KIAF (Korea International Art Fair), Galerie Bhak, COEX, Seoul
2007 St-Art 07, Parc des expositions Strasbourg, France
2005 ARCO Art Fair, FEMA, Madrid, Spain
2005 Art Sydney, Royal Hall of Industries & Hordern Pavillion, Sydney
2002 Melbourne Art Fair, Gallery Bhak, Australia
2001, 2002 San Francisco International Art Exposition, U.S.A.
2001 Palm Springs International Art Fair (Galerie Bhak), U.S.A.
2001 Art Miami (Galerie Bhak), U.S.A.
2001, 2002, 2003 Art Chicago (Galerie Bhak), Merchandise Mart, Chicago, U.S.A.
2001, 2002 Art Cologne, Koelnmesse, Cologne, Germany
2000 Mac2000, Paris, FRANCE
Work Archived
Attached artist in Mizuma, Kips & Wada Art Gallery Soho New York
Pre-Attached artist to KIPS Gallery in United States.
Pre-Full Professor, Department of Basic, SADI & Vice Dean
UN Headquarters, National Museum of Modern Art (Fine Art Bank),
Seoul Museum of Art, Geumho Art Museum, SK Telecom,
Gobayashi Gallery (Tokyo, Japan), Embassy of Kenya,
Royal Court of Netherland, Oriental Museum in Italy, Eura Corporation